International Experience Canada – Visa for Irish Citizens
March 11, 2014 marks the opening of the International Experience Canada (“IEC”) program for Irish citizens. A total of 10,700 visas will be available in 2014. Visas are expected to go fast so be ready to apply the day it opens or contact one of our lawyers to assist you.
Further information is available on the Government of Canada website:
In 2014, the IEC initiative with Ireland will have three categories:
Young Professionals
International Coop (Internship)
Working Holiday
Irish citizens can participate in IEC once for up to 24 months in either the Working Holiday or Young Professionals category; and for those who are eligible, an additional one-time participation for up to 12 months in the International Coop (Internship) category. The combined duration of your participations cannot be more than 36 months. You can choose the order of your participations.
The 10,500 spots will be divided as follows:
Young Professional: 2,500
International Coop (Internship): 500
Working Holiday: 7,700
If you have a job offer in Canada, apply to the Young Professionals category. All applications are made online via the Kompass account.
Opening Dates
Young Professionals and International Co-op (Internship) categories:
March 11th, 2014
Working Holiday
March 13th, 2014
Round 2 Date to be announced