Benton Mischuk


778-817-0295 |

Benton has worked in immigration from every angle – as a visa officer posted to Canadian missions all over the world, as a manager with the BC Provincial Nominee Program, as a volunteer for nongovernmental organizations and as an immigration lawyer.  He brings this unique blend of real-world experience to the table to support his clients with informed, innovative advice.  Benton focuses his practice on clients from the Fraser Valley, Vancouver Island, BC’s Interior and beyond.

Talk to Benton about:

  • Work permits for High- and semi-skilled foreign worker
  • Permanent residence for professionals and skilled workers
  • Transitioning from temporary to permanent residence, including for international students
  • Foreign worker recruitment strategies and compliance for employers
  • Options for entrepreneurs and investors
  • Family class sponsorship, including parents and grandparents
  • Citizenship

Talk to Benton about:

  • Work permits for High- and semi-skilled foreign worker
  • Permanent residence for professionals and skilled workers
  • Transitioning from temporary to permanent residence, including for international students
  • Foreign worker recruitment strategies and compliance for employers
  • Options for entrepreneurs and investors
  • Family class sponsorship, including parents and grandparents
  • Citizenship

The fine print about Benton:

  • Called to the bar in British Columbia in 1995

  • Law degree (LLB) from UBC in 1994

  • BA from Trinity College at the University of Toronto in 1990

  • Former foreign service officer posted to visa offices in Moscow and Singapore

  • Former manager with the BC PNP and for provincial foreign worker policy and initiatives

  • Former hearings officer (CBSA) and immigration counsel (Department of Justice)

  • Past member of the CBA Immigration Section’s conference Organizing Committee and BC Branch Executive

  • Guest lecturer on immigration law at the University of Victoria

  • Frequent presenter to international students, displaced Ukrainians and other lawyers

  • Conversational French

The fine print about Benton:

  • Called to the bar in British Columbia in 1995

  • Law degree (LLB) from UBC in 1994

  • BA from Trinity College at the University of Toronto in 1990

  • Former foreign service officer posted to visa offices in Moscow and Singapore

  • Former manager with the BC PNP and for provincial foreign worker policy and initiatives

  • Former hearings officer (CBSA) and immigration counsel (Department of Justice)

  • Past member of the CBA Immigration Section’s conference Organizing Committee and BC Branch Executive

  • Guest lecturer on immigration law at the University of Victoria

  • Frequent presenter to international students, displaced Ukrainians and other lawyers

  • Conversational French

Book a consultation with Benton

Book a consultation with Benton here.  We charge $550 (plus applicable taxes) for a one-hour consultation, which will generally be credited towards your file if you retain us to represent you.

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