Gordon Maynard


604-632-0188 | gordon@vancouverlaw.ca

Gordon is one of the most respected immigration lawyers in Canada, having been practicing for more than three decades.  He was one of the architects of Canada’s immigration law in 2002, and has been at the forefront of making immigration law and policy throughout his career. 

A former high school teacher, Gordon combines curiosity and a warm sense of humour with a razor-sharp legal mind and an ability to see the big picture when tackling any issue.

Talk to Gordon about:

  • Supporting global enterprises with their Canadian immigration needs

  • Work permits through the Temporary Foreign Worker and International Mobility Programs

  • Complex admissibility issues

  • Challenging immigration decisions in Federal Court and the Immigration and Refugee Board

  • Family sponsorship

  • Applications for permanent residence on humanitarian and compassionate grounds

Talk to Gordan about:

  • Supporting global enterprises with their Canadian immigration needs

  • Work permits through the Temporary Foreign Worker and International Mobility Programs

  • Complex admissibility issues

  • Challenging immigration decisions in Federal Court and the Immigration and Refugee Board

  • Family sponsorship

  • Applications for permanent residence on humanitarian and compassionate grounds

The fine print about Gordon:

  • B.Sc. (Geophysics), University of British Columbia, 1975

  • Teacher’s Certificate, University of British Columbia, 1976

  • LL.B., University of British Columbia, 1987

  • Called to the bar in BC, 1988

  • Past Chair, Canadian Bar Association National Immigration Law Section

  • Winner, Louis Saint-Laurent Award for Exceptional Service to the Canadian Bar Association, 2001

  • Winner, CBA Award of Excellence for lifetime contributions to immigration law, 2018

  • Consistently recognized as one of Canada’s top immigration lawyers in various rankings

The fine print about Gordan:

  • B.Sc. (Geophysics), University of British Columbia, 1975

  • Teacher’s Certificate, University of British Columbia, 1976

  • LL.B., University of British Columbia, 1987

  • Called to the bar in BC, 1988

  • Past Chair, Canadian Bar Association National Immigration Law Section

  • Winner, Louis Saint-Laurent Award for Exceptional Service to the Canadian Bar Association, 2001

  • Winner, CBA Award of Excellence for lifetime contributions to immigration law, 2018

  • Consistently recognized as one of Canada’s top immigration lawyers in various rankings

Book a consultation with Gordon

Book a consultation with Gordon here.  We charge $550 (plus applicable taxes) for a one-hour consultation, which will generally be credited towards your file if you retain us to represent you.

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